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Sports Taping Methods

By Elaine Gabiola
on January 25, 2024

Taping is one of the therapeutic involvements practiced by physiotherapists and rehabilitation team members. Sports injuries and different kinds of clinical disorders are prevented or cured by taping techniques. Frequent types of tape and their related application approaches are obtainable. Kinesiology tape (KT), Dynamic tape (DT), rigid tape, micro-pore tape, athletic tape, and many other types are available to manage or rehabilitate injuries.

Brief details on five sports-taping techniques used by athletes and physiotherapists:

Ankle Taping:

  • Used for ankle stability and to prevent inversion (rolling) or eversion (outward turning) injuries.
  • Start by applying a stirrup strip around the foot, then anchor it by wrapping around the ankle.
  • Apply figure-eight strips for additional support.

Detailed Version with Videos

Photo: WSE Women’s Football Team

Types of tape you need for ankle strapping:

Sports TapingKnee Taping, :

  • Helps stabilize the patella and provides support to the knee joint.
  • Begin with a base strip around the knee, then apply two diagonal strips forming an “X” over the patella.
  • Finish by securing the tape with a circular strip around the knee.

Detailed Version with Videos

Photo: Phoenix Touch

Types of tape you need for knee strapping:

Shoulder Taping:

  • Used for shoulder stability and to prevent dislocations or subluxations.
  • Apply a horizontal strip around the chest, then diagonal strips from the back to the front over the shoulder.
  • Finish with additional strips to reinforce the support.

Detailed Version with Videos

Types of tape you need for shoulder strapping:

Wrist Taping:

  • Provides support to the wrist joint, commonly used in sports like volleyball or basketball.
  • Start with a base strip around the wrist, then apply figure-eight strips around the hand and wrist.
  • Finish by securing the tape with additional strips.

Detailed Version with Videos of Thumb Hyperextension Variation

Types of tape you need for wrist strapping:

Elbow Taping:

  • Used for tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow support.
  • Apply a base strip around the forearm just below the elbow.
  • Add two parallel strips on either side of the forearm, providing compression and support.

Detailed Version with Videos

Types of tape you need for elbow strapping:

It’s crucial to apply sports tape correctly to avoid restricting blood flow or causing additional injury. Always seek advice from a healthcare professional or a certified physiotherapist to be sure about the taping technique or if it’s suitable for your specific situation. Additionally, each person’s anatomy and requirements may differ, so a personalized approach is often best.

Visit Pillar Sports Shop for more tape options suitable to your needs.

Protect. Prevent. Perform.

#strappedandready #pillarsports  #sportstapingstyles #tapingtechniques



Ankle Taping: Tape Series: Part 1 Ankle Strapping

Knee Taping: Tape Series: Part 2 Knee Strapping. (MCL)

Shoulder Taping: Tape Series: Part 3 Shoulder Strapping

Wrist/Hyperextension Thumb Taping: Tape Series: Part 5 Thumb Hyperextension Strapping

Elbow Taping: Tape Series: Part 4 Elbow Strapping


Please be very aware that this information is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health professional before starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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