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Tape Series: Part 3 Shoulder Strapping.

By Chii Roco
on August 2, 2021
Shoulder Strapping

The collaboration between Pillar Sports and Aurora Physiotherapy brings you our third part of the ‘How To’ Tape Series. The following information will provide you with a step by step guide on Strapping the Shoulder the right way.

Although injuries to the shoulder can be severe and require a long time away from sports and exercise, the most common injuries often involve damage to the ligaments. Specifically, the ligaments stretch past their normal function and results in a small tear causing pain and instability.

Strapping can be effective in two ways; Protect and treat an existing injury and to Prevent further injury by supporting the joints and ligaments. Shoulder injuries are quite common in the sporting world but ones that are at higher risk involve some form of contact or fast movements. These sports range from Rugby, American football and Ice Hockey to Baseball for men and Softball for women.

Shoulder Strapping Steps

The aim of this taping is to prevent and protect the ligaments in the shoulder from further injury. The tape helps to stabilize the joint and prevent overstretching of ligaments which can result in further injury. We recommend the use of Rigid Tape. The 50mm range is most commonly used but 38mm is an option dependent on personal preference and comfort. Then to seal off and add further protection we recommend using Elastic Adhesive Bandage (EAB). The Pictures and Videos below will show our Black 75mm EAB products. But again, the 50mm range is also an option and the color comes down to personal preference.


Desired Support Accessories (Not always necessary)

  1. Apply an adhesive spray – Spray around the shoulder area to increase the effectiveness of the Strapping.
  2. Protect the nipple area with some surgical tape or simply use the Rigid tape to make your own (As shown in Video – Step 1). This stops the tape pulling on the nipple area and causing discomfort.


Step 1 – Hypo Fix-it Tape

Ensure the skin is clean and dry. Spray pre-tape adhesive onto the skin. Begin with the hand positioned on the hip and the shoulder kept in a good posture. Apply Hypo Fix-it tape as an underlay for the skin.


Step 2 – Anchoring Strips (Over & Around)

Apply 2-3 anchor strips from the chest over to the scapula (shoulder blade). Apply anchor strips around the thigh and the lower leg. Repeat 2 times with them overlapping half of the previous strip. 

Apply 2 anchor strips around the chest Around to the scapula (shoulder blade) Make sure a deep breath is taken to expand the chest during the taping. Repeat 2 times with them overlapping half of the previous strip. 


Step 3 – Anchoring Strips (Arm)

Apply an anchor strip round the arm around the deltoid muscle insertion. Tense the biceps muscle during the taping to allow the muscles to expand during exercise. 

Apply basket-weave tapes starting from the arm and crossed to the top of the shoulder. This tape helps to center the shoulder joint in place.


Step 4 – Rotational Tapes

Apply rotational tapes starting from the front of the shoulder joint, then cross to the back of the arm and then finish the taping by going around the biceps muscles. 

These strips of tapes are important to limit external rotation. Check external rotation after taping for desired restriction. Secure the taping with finishing strips the same way as the anchor strips.


Step 5 – Finishing Tapes

Use elastic adhesive bandage (EAB) to close up the tapes. Secure the EAB with a strip of rigid tape.


Finishing steps (ESSENTIAL)

  1. Check that the taping is not uncomfortable for either yourself or the person being strapped.
  2.  Recheck that the tape prevents and restricts shoulder external rotation.


Remember… shoulder strapping can help to prevent injury as well as protect and treat any existing injuries. Therefore, if you follow the steps provided and watch the educational ‘How To’ videos you will be able to strap the shoulder in no time.

Stay tuned for the next Educational Taping blog.



Please be very aware that this information is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health professional before starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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